Winter Garden Tips

Winter Garden Tips

This is really a traditional winter in Vermont with plenty of beautiful snow, cold nighttime temperatures, and little to do for the garden except dream and plan.  Not exactly! There’s plenty to keep a good gardener busy.  If you haven’t ordered your garden seeds yet, that is your #1 priority!  This week I offer a collection of short winter tips and easy-to-do ideas that will prove useful and make the coming garden season a little more productive.  If you really want to grow something in mid-winter, consider micro-greens or sprouts to have freshly grown greens all winter.

  • Repurpose your Christmas tree. When it is time to take down the Christmas tree, cut off the boughs and use them for winter protection. The boughs can be laid over perennials and herbs, providing some additional protection from desiccating winds and drastic temperature fluctuations.
  • Caring for Poinsettias. Remove decorative pot cover to allow drainage.  Locate your plant in a location with bright light for about 6 hours/day and temperatures between 60-70oF.  Allow poinsettias to dry between watering but not wilt. The plant is ready to be watered when the soil is dry to the touch and, when the pot and plant are lifted, it will feel relatively light. One of the most common issues with poinsettias is root rot, so avoid overwatering by letting the soil dry out thoroughly in between waterings.  Under good conditions the colorful flowers (bracts) will retain their color through the winter. 
  • Too early to fertilize.  House plants can begin to look very tired and weak at this time of year but resist the temptation to give them fertilizer.  It’s best to not stimulate new upper growth until daylength gets longer and plants can grow stronger. If your plants have become a bit too tall or lanky due to low light levels they can be pruned back now in preparation for the new grow phase that’s about to begin as daylength gets longer (over 10 hours/day).  Don’t be shy with your pruning shears, by removing 30-50% of the tops you will stimulate the roots to re-grow strong new shoots for the spring.
  • Got Bugs?  Inspect your indoor plants regularly for any signs of small bugs such as aphids or white flies. They get started slowly but can built up fast when tender new growth appears on the plants.  I’ve used insecticidal soap spray and neem oil and you really need to spray all the plant leaves, top and bottom well to control them.  Baby aphids are born pregnant so they increase in numbers very fast so repeated treatments every week or two may be needed!
  • Birdhouses can serve as temporary shelters during winter storms.  Leave last summer’s nesting materials inside to provide some comfort for birds seeking refuge.  Clean them out thoroughly after the last winter storms have passed.
  • Young fruit trees and shrubs become the food of last resort in winter for hungry deer and rabbits so now is a good time to apply a repellent such as Deer Away, Plantskydd, or your own homemade deer repellent to the smaller branches and stems.  Be sure to coat the tips complete and re-apply every 4 weeks to keep deer and rabbits from chewing tender stems and tips.
  • De-icers can damage to nearby plants thru soil accumulation from runoff.  Most deicers are salts, some worse than others. Sodium chloride has the most potential to damage plants, followed by calcium chloride. Potassium chloride and magnesium chloride have less potential to damage plants, but it is still possible, especially with overuse. Use as little as possible needed for safety. Calcium magnesium acetate (CMA) is another option that is often used in environmentally sensitive areas. Consider using plain sand that improves traction instead of melting.
  • What can I grow in Vermont winters?  Seed sprouts are very easy, tasty, and a nutritious addition to salads, sandwiches, or as a side dish.  Here is a quick video to help you get started.  I use a simple Bioset sprouting tray from Johnny’s that keeps fresh sprouts coming in but there are many other types available online.  Seeds for sprouting are offered online by High Mowing Seeds, Johnny’s Seeds, and many other seed companies.  The most common seeds used for sprouting include alfalfa, mung beans, broccoli, radish, kale, etc.  Mixes of these are available and provide great flavor and nutritional diversity.
  • Beekeeping Basics – ONLINE   Have you thought about keeping bees? This is the opportunity to learn more about these vital and fascinating creatures providing so much of our food. The three sessions (Tuesdays, Feb. 9, 16, & Mar. 2 at 6:30 – 8:00 pm) will enlighten, and maybe inspire, you to start a few hives of your own or learn more about your bee passion. Plenty of question-and-answer time and all the info needed to start your own bee hives.   Taught by Vermont Beekeepers Association’s Bill Mares and Dr. Deborah Rubin, this is a great way to begin your beekeeping journey. Read more and register online.

What did you learn in your garden last year?  What are you going to do differently this year?  What is your favorite thing to grow?  Please share your lessons learned.  Leave a message in the Comments below.

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