September Garden Tips

September Garden Tips

September means gardens are now heading into the season finale with harvests of tomatoes, beans, squash, cukes, onions, potatoes, and peppers leading the way!  Wet weather has been hard on some veggies and flowers this summer but there are some special techniques to keep plants healthy despite the saturated soils.  This is a good time of year to apply foliar compost tea and your own homemade biofertilizers. It’s also a good time to get a soil test so you know…

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August Gardening

August Gardening

After the welcome rains of July, gardens are in full maturity and producing an abundance of veggies, herbs, flowers, and weeds.  Soon we’ll harvest potatoes, onions, carrots, beets, and more.  It’s the reward that a hard-working gardener deserves and should enjoy this time of year.  Proper harvesting is key to successful production, and the more you pick the more you get!  Leaving blossoms or fruits on plants to get over-ripe or go to seed tells the plant its job is…

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Joys of July

Joys of July

This is the time of peak flowers and rapidly growing veggies along with weeds and bugs.  It’s the best of gardening and time to enjoy all our work coming into fruition. We also have work to do. Regular weeding, watching for inevitable pests (bugs & critters) but also early harvests have begun, and succession plantings can start. Weeds are simply taking advantage of our good preparations and space.  They are not really “bad” plants but are just unwanted volunteers in…

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June Gardening

June Gardening

June brings better gardening weather, what a welcome change!  Vermont spring is unpredictable but recent rains have created a great time to get new plants into their garden homes for the summer.  Broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, onions, and salad greens have mostly been planted out.  It’s time for heat loving plants like basil, tomatoes, beans, cucumbers, squash, okra, sweet potatoes, & peppers to be in the ground.  Annual flowers like geraniums, petunias, marigolds, nasturtiums, and snapdragons will do well outside now. …

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It’s Spring Planting Time

It’s Spring Planting Time

Sunny, warmer days make the garden real in May.  While there are many garden plants that can be seeded outdoors now, don’t be tempted to start working your soil if it is still wet.  If you insist on tilling your garden it is very important to wait until the soil has drained and dried enough to be crumbly, not gooey or sticky.  I do not till my garden soil at all because tilling is very damaging to soil & unnecessary. …

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May Gardening:  When to Plant?

May Gardening:  When to Plant?

This is the time of year when we can plant some things in the ground.  Some seeds can go in early, other seeds & plants need to wait for warmer days.  How do we know what to plant when?  In April and early May most soil is still too wet to dig or till unless you have raised beds.  Let’s look at several ways to determine when it’s OK to plant seeds or put out transplants.  Also, a few words…

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April Gardening

April Gardening

April showers bring May (and June) Flowers. Snow drops have been showing for a few weeks and daffodils are soon to blossom.  This means we gardeners have lots to do to get the season started. Along with early pruning and planting there is the necessary clean-up and garden preparations. In this article we will cover details of these renewing tasks and offer a couple reminders about why we garden. Mostly we garden because we enjoy growing plants for flowers and…

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March Gardens, Let’s Begin!

March Gardens, Let’s Begin!

As March begins, we can’t be sure if it’s going to snow or rain but there are garden tasks for us to do.  Snow has buried any sprouts peeking up from the ground but the good news is that the snow means more water availability come spring.  As the days get longer there are indoor and outdoor garden preparations we can be doing now, including planting, pruning, and feeding! If you haven’t yet pruned your fruit trees (apples, pears, cherries,…

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Seed Starting

Seed Starting

February is too early to start most seeds indoors but not too early to get organized and ready for planting in March-April.  Our growing season is too short for many plants like tomatoes, peppers, and many flowers to sow their seeds outdoors in the spring so we can get a jump start by starting them indoors and effectively extend the season. If we provide the right conditions of soil, light, and temperature our favorite plants can be ready to transplant…

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January Gardening

January Gardening

Despite the winter season there’s plenty to keep a gardener occupied.  If you haven’t ordered your garden seeds yet, start by listing seeds leftover from last year.   Then look at the short list of local seed companies that I list below (or any others that you like).  Browse online catalogs from the comfort of home. Don’t delay, the best varieties sell out early.  In this article I suggest a few winter tips and easy-to-do ideas that will make the coming…

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