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Tag: transplanting

June Gardening

June Gardening

June brings better gardening weather, what a welcome change!  Vermont spring is unpredictable but recent rains have created a great time to get new plants into their garden homes for the summer.  Broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, onions, and salad greens have mostly been planted out.  It’s time for heat loving plants like basil, tomatoes, beans, cucumbers, squash, okra, sweet potatoes, & peppers to be in the ground.  Annual flowers like geraniums, petunias, marigolds, nasturtiums, and snapdragons will do well outside now. …

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May Gardening:  When to Plant?

May Gardening:  When to Plant?

This is the time of year when we can plant some things in the ground.  Some seeds can go in early, other seeds & plants need to wait for warmer days.  How do we know what to plant when?  In April and early May most soil is still too wet to dig or till unless you have raised beds.  Let’s look at several ways to determine when it’s OK to plant seeds or put out transplants.  Also, a few words…

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Transplant Time is Here

Transplant Time is Here

June brings better gardening weather, what a welcome change!  Although it’s been dry for Vermont spring, recent rains have created a great time to get new plants into their outdoor homes for the summer.  Broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, onions, and salad greens have mostly been planted out.  It’s time for heat loving plants like basil, tomatoes, beans, cucumbers, squash, okra, sweet potatoes, & peppers to be in the ground.  Annual flowers like geraniums, petunias, marigolds, nasturtiums, and snapdragons will do well…

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Companion Planting & Succession Planting

Companion Planting & Succession Planting

Garden planting and transplanting is now in full swing and everything we want to grow can be planted out from now on.  It’s even not too late for planting of favorites like tomato & pepper plants, squashes, potatoes, onion sets, or greens.  But one question remains, which plants make good garden companions and which do not?   Plants affect their neighbors and the soil so we should try to place compatible or non-competitive plants near each other when possible.  A similar…

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Transplant Time is Here, Are Your Plants Ready?

Transplant Time is Here, Are Your Plants Ready?

The beginning of June brings better gardening weather, what a welcome change!  Although it’s been a bit dry for Vermont spring, recent rains have created a great time to get some plants into their outdoor homes for the summer.  Broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, onions, and more salad greens can move out now but it’s still a little early for heat loving plants like basil, tomatoes, beans, cucumbers, squash, okra, & peppers.  Annual flowers like geraniums, petunias, marigolds, nasturtiums, and sweet peas…

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At Last, Transplant Time

At Last, Transplant Time

The end of May has brought almost ideal gardening weather, what a welcome change!  Although it’s been a bit dry for Vermont spring, it looks like a great time to get all those ready-to-go plants into their new homes for the summer.  It’s still a little early for some heat loving plants like basil, tomatoes, beans, artichokes, okra, & peppers, but almost everything else can move out.  Some adventuresome gardeners have already planted out their tomatoes and they might do…

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Transplant Time is Coming, Are Your Plants Ready?

Transplant Time is Coming, Are Your Plants Ready?

Whether you grow your own seedlings (Congratulations!) or buy your garden plants, they will need some preparation for the transition out to the “real world”.  There are big differences between indoors (house or greenhouse) and the tough world outside and plants need a little help to adapt to those hard conditions outside.  This process is called “hardening off” and it is easy if you follow these basic steps.  Hardening off is a stressful transition for plants because they have to…

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