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Tag: foliar fertilizer

September Garden Tips

September Garden Tips

September means gardens are now heading into the season finale with harvests of tomatoes, beans, squash, cukes, onions, potatoes, and peppers leading the way!  Wet weather has been hard on some veggies and flowers this summer but there are some special techniques to keep plants healthy despite the saturated soils.  This is a good time of year to apply foliar compost tea and your own homemade biofertilizers. It’s also a good time to get a soil test so you know…

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Late Summer Garden Care

Late Summer Garden Care

Rain or shine, our gardens are now heading into the home stretch with tomatoes and peppers leading the way!  Weather has not been good for some veggies and flowers this summer, so disappointments are part of the game. Tomatoes and peppers are really sub-tropical plants and don’t know that winter is coming so they are still trying to grow as though they have many months ahead.  We know better and there are several things we can do right now to…

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The Great Tomato Race!

The Great Tomato Race!

Rain or shine, our gardens are now heading into the home stretch with tomatoes leading the way!  Tomatoes are actually sub-tropical plants and don’t know that winter is coming so they are still growing and producing as though they have many months ahead.  We know better and there are several things we can do right now to get the most out of what’s left of this year’s growing season for tomatoes and our other gardening investments.  Despite the calendar and…

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