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Category: Gardening

Late Summer Gardening

Late Summer Gardening

We are in peak garden season and there’s a lot happening out there. The dry weeks of July have made two practices essential: watering and mulching. While you enjoy some satisfying harvests and flowers, stay alert to new pests showing up now to prevent serious damage. There are some more things that can be planted now too. Garlic harvest is almost here so let’s look at the best way to harvest, cure, and select next year’s crop. Weeds are growing…

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When to Plant?

When to Plant?

We’re slowly getting to the time of year when we can plant some things into the ground.  Some things can go in early, other things need to wait for warmer days.  How do we know what to plant when?  Most soil is still too wet to dig or till unless you have raised beds.  Let’s look at several ways to help determine when it’s best to plant seeds or put out transplants.  Also, a few words about the benefits of…

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