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Month: July 2024

August Gardening

August Gardening

After the welcome rains of July, gardens are in full maturity and producing an abundance of veggies, herbs, flowers, and weeds.  Soon we’ll harvest potatoes, onions, carrots, beets, and more.  It’s the reward that a hard-working gardener deserves and should enjoy this time of year.  Proper harvesting is key to successful production, and the more you pick the more you get!  Leaving blossoms or fruits on plants to get over-ripe or go to seed tells the plant its job is…

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Joys of July

Joys of July

This is the time of peak flowers and rapidly growing veggies along with weeds and bugs.  It’s the best of gardening and time to enjoy all our work coming into fruition. We also have work to do. Regular weeding, watching for inevitable pests (bugs & critters) but also early harvests have begun, and succession plantings can start. Weeds are simply taking advantage of our good preparations and space.  They are not really “bad” plants but are just unwanted volunteers in…

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